• Mar 31, 2025

Interesting Facts About Earth And Space

   Today, I am going to tell you some such facts about the universe, which after reading it you will definitely feel that this universe is truly amazing.

1. Dark matter

For centuries, we have been thinking that this universe is made up of many layers and factors, if we talk at the sort level, then the same electron, proton and neutron. Scientist discovery has revealed that the universe is not made up of only things that you see from far away, such as the moon, stars, asteroid, plants and infinity sprite. All this is only 5% of the universe, while the remaining 95% is made up of dark matter and dark energy. 
                  We cannot directly see the dark matter. Till date, no scientist has explained it completely and it is still a mystery till date.

2. Expanding universe

Scientists are finding out how big this universe is, but till date it has not been possible to find it. Its recommendations have come out that this Universe has no size. Recent technology has revealed that the size of the universe is 93 billion light years. But in 1929, Edwin Hwang discovered that the Universe is expanding as well as the accelerate and at the same time the speed of its expansion is also increasing.

3. Energy of the sun

The size of the sun is 109 times more than the Earth. The sun produces so much energy that you cannot even think. Tree plants generate energy through photo synthesis. If we add the energy of all the plants, then it can be known that these plants consume 4 times more sun energy than the power energy of mankind.
                   If we collect the energy of one day from the sun, then we can use it for years, therefore solar panel is used so that we can take possession of the sun's shocking power.

4. The most mysterious signal from space

We have been listening to the space for decades, but something amazing is happening till date. On August 15 1977, a scientist caught a signal coming from space with the help of a radio telescope. Which was a regular form of space waves. The kind of waves that martyred aliens can send.
               Letters and numbers were stored through a computer that was in that wave. Then he was seen by astrology Jerry and wrote only one word on the side of the paper which was WOW! This incident made those astrologist so excited that more signals were expected after that incident, but since then no signals have been returned.

5. If two metals touch in space the fuse

If two pieces of metal are brought in the same space and touch each other, then they will be attached forever. This phenomena is called cold welding. It can only happen in space because there is no air.
                      This is not possible in the earth due to its being here. Between the two layers in the earth comes an oxidized layer which prevents the layer from joining, but if you do it in this space, two pieces of metal will become one piece.

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  1. If you like this post. Please share it now

  2. It's Really Interesting things about The Space, please Make more blogs on These Topics.
